2024 Team Expectations (Parents, Swimmers, Coaches)

Tracy Jackson


King Farm Swim Code of Conduct


The purpose of the King Farm Swim Team (“KFST” or the “Team”) is to encourage fun, informal, friendly swim team competition and to provide young people with the opportunity to participate in team competition during the summer within a fair and wholesome environment.  This allows them to develop athletic skills, encourages sportsmanship and teamwork while making neighborhood friends.  To accomplish and further promote this purpose, we have created a Code of Conduct for parents, swimmers and coaches.  There are two components of the expectations: Behavior and Communication.

Parent Code of Conduct


  • I will remember that all children participate to have fun and that competition is for youth, not adults.
  • I will be a positive role model for children and will encourage them to reach the highest levels of sportsmanship and to follow the rules.
  • I will be respectful and courteous of others, and will support and encourage swimmers, officials, team representatives, and coaches through my positive actions and attitude.
  • I will recognize that meet officials are volunteers and will treat them with the same respect that I would expect if I were in that position.
  • I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike behavior with an official, coach, swimmer, or parent/guardian such as arguing, booing, taunting, or using profane language or gestures.
  • I will teach my child to treat other swimmers, coaches, team representatives, and officials with respect regardless of age, race, creed, color, gender, or ability.
  • I will not ridicule or yell at my child or any other participant for making a mistake and will not hold a specific child responsible for losing a competition.
  • I promise to help my child enjoy the summer swimming experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectable fan, volunteering at meets, and helping with other team activities.
  • I will do my best to make swimming fun for all children.
  • I will be present, support, cheer and encourage all participants.
  • I will participate in spirit activities.
  • I will not yell advice to my child during a meet or practice.
  • I will volunteer 20 hours during the swim season.  If I need more volunteer options I will contact the KFST board @ [email protected]
  • I will help out with set-up and clean-up for meets


  • I will inform the Head Coach before the first meet if my swimmer plans to be absent during the swim season (e.g. vacation) by committing to meets on the KFST website: https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/recmcslkfsgmd/page/events#/team-events/upcoming
  • I will commit (mark that the swimmer is available to swim) my child to A meets by Tuesday at 11:59pm and by Sunday at 11:59pm.  I understand that if I do not, they will not be eligible to swim in the meet.
  • I will not text the Coaches after 8pm or before 8am (Monday – Saturday) unless it is to inform him/her of a sudden absence. I will avoid texting the coaches on Sunday (email is always an option for communication).
  • I will not approach the coach during practice times.  Any communication will occur before or after all practices or during parent office hours (Tuesday and Thursday @ 7PM).
  • I will communicate in a productive, respectful manner.


Swimmer Code of Conduct


  • I will be a good sport to players, coaches, officials, opponents, and parents at every meet and practice, no matter if we win or lose. 
  • I will treat my coaches, other swimmers, officials and fans with respect regardless of age, race, creed, color, gender or abilities and I will expect to be treated accordingly.
  • I will always be honest, fair, and respectful to others.
  • I will aim to learn all I can from swimming.
  • I will arrive at practice on time and be ready to dedicate my attention to my coaches. 
  • I will encourage, cheer on and respect my teammates as well as praise good efforts. 
  • I understand that I must attend 3 King Farm Swim Team practices (B Meet counts as a practice) a week to be considered for an A Meet unless I have an excused absence by the coaches and board.
  • I understand that If I attend club practice instead of KFST practice, I will attend 3 King Farm Swim Team practices a week, to support coaches and work on spirit activities, to be considered for an A Meet unless I have an excused absence by the coaches and board.
  • If there is a social component to practice (such as doughnuts or fun activities towards the end of practice), I will participate in all of the practice to be able to enjoy the benefits that come with it.
  • I will remember that meets are an opportunity to learn and have fun. I will be “present” at meets and support my teammates.
  • If I am swimming or available to swim in a meet, I cannot volunteer at that swim meet.
  • I will expect to be treated fairly over the course of a season with regard to meet entries and recognize that certain meets are more competitive than others and will swim events to support my team.
  • I deserve to have fun during my swimming experience and will alert parents/guardians or coaches if there are problems or it stops being fun.
  • As an older swimmer (11+), I will support all spirit activities and help the coaches prepare for spirit activities for meets, end of the season awards, etc.
  • As an older swimmer (11+), I will act as a role model for younger swimmers on the team.



  • I will inform the Head Coach if I plan to be absent during the swim season (e.g. vacation).
  • I will work with my parents to mark my availability for meets (A Meets by Tuesday at 11:59pm and B Meets by Sunday at 11:59pm).
  • I will inform the Head Coach if there is an emergency, and I cannot make a meet I previously committed to. This should be done as early as possible.
  • I will not text the Coaches after 8pm or before 8am (Monday – Saturday) unless it is to inform him/her of a sudden absence. I will avoid texting the coaches on Sunday (email is always an option for communication).
  • I will communicate in a productive, respectful manner.
  • I will visit the Head Coach or Coaching Team AFTER every race.


Coaches Code of Conduct

A coach is one of the most important and impactful role models in a child's life. His/her words and actions will have a positive and potentially harmful impact on the emotional well-being of the swimmer in your charge. Coaching is a privilege and with it comes responsibility. Coaches set the tone for the team and are responsible for the conduct of their swimmers, parents or guardians and any other coaches on the deck.

All children are influenced by my leadership and authority and as their coach; I understand I am a role model. I agree to the following:


  • I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my swimmers ahead of any personal desire or pressure to win.
  • I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, opposing coach, swimmer, team representative, parent/guardian or spectator such as: arguing, refusing to shake hands, excessive yelling or belittling or using profane language or gestures.
  • I will treat each official and opposing coach with respect, and will not engage in open arguments or confrontations, and will work to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • I will treat my swimmers fairly and will work towards improving a swimmer’s individual skill set.
  • I will be knowledgeable of the rules set forth for swimming by MCSL, will teach the rules to the swimmers I coach and will adhere to these rules at all times.
  • I will do my best to provide a safe and encouraging competitive situation for my swimmers.
  • I will teach my swimmers to treat other swimmers, coaches, team representatives, and officials with respect regardless of age, race, creed, color, gender, or ability.
  • I will use coaching techniques appropriate for the skills that I teach and will do my best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all swimmers.
  • I will lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all swimmers.
  • I will remember that I am a youth swimming coach, and that races and meets are for children and not adults.
  • The lineup for swim meets, or at least the participants, will be sent to the team no later than the day before the meet is scheduled to occur.
  • I will coach with the goal of creating a positive learning experience for athletes.


  • I will communicate in a productive, respectful manner.
  • I will respond to emails within 24 hours during swim season and within 18 hours of receiving a text message.